Age Of Wonders 3 Wiki
Age Of Wonders 3 Wiki

Mystical City Upgrades Abilities are all abilities obtained by having the correct Mystical City Upgrades in the city where the unit is build or summoned.

Active Abilities[]

Ability: Mark Blood Sacrifice Range: Touch
Type: Active Subtype: Debuff, Mystical City Upgrade
Mark Blood Sacrifice Marks target enemy unit as a Blood Sacrifice Blood Sacrifice
Ability: Blood Sacrifice Duration: Turn
Type: Passive Subtype: Debuff
Blood Sacrifice When this unit dies, all its enemies gain Blood Boon Blood Boon.
Ability: Blood Boon Duration: Turn
Type: Passive Subtype: Status Effect
Blood Boon This unit has been healed for 10 Hit Points and gained +2 Physical Damage Melee damage after a Blood Sacrifice Blood Sacrifice.
  • Does not heal or buff Machine Machine units
  • The heal can work on the same target multiple times, but the damage boost does not stack.

Passive Abilities[]

Ability: Blinding Aura Strength: 9 Physical Defense
Type: Passive Subtype: Reactive Effect
Sun Shield Any unit that strikes this unit in melee combat can become Blinded Blinded.

Elemental Elemental units cannot be affected.

Ability: Blinded Duration: 2 Turn
Type: Passive Subtype: Physical Defense Status Effect
Blinded This unit cannot target units or objects more than 1 Hex away with ranged abilities and cannot cast spells. Breath abilities are not affected as they do not target but only choose direction.
  • This unit's Threatened Area is reduced to a single hex directly in front of itself
  • When not in defense mod, this unit is always Flanked by enemy units who attack from outside the single hex directly in front of itself.
  • Can be removed with Break Control Break Control and Dispel Magic Dispel Magic
  • Blinded Blinded units with Total Awareness Total Awareness only suffer the range handicap, not the flanking handicap.
Ability: Bound Soul Strength: +1 Resistance
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Altar of Bound Souls This unit has +1 Resistance and Resurgence Resurgence
Ability: Enchanted Armor Strength: +2 Defense +1 Resistance
Type: Passive Subtype: Stat Modifier
Enchanted Armory This unit has +2 Defense +1 Resistance
Ability: Fear Strike Strength: 8 Spirit Resistance
Type: Passive Subtype: Utility
Fear Strike Melee attacks can inflict Cause Fear Panic.
Ability: Panicked Duration: 2 Turn
Type: Passive Subtype: Spirit Damage Status Effect
Cause Fear This unit doesn't obey orders and attempts to run from its enemies or flee the battlefield.
Ability: Flowrock Machinery Strength: + 10 Hit Points
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Flowrock Citadel This Machine Machine has + 10 Hit Points
Ability: Focused Strength: +2 Physical Damage + 1 Shock
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Focus Chamber This Archer Archer deals +2 Physical Damage + 1 Shock Ranged damage and has Mind Control Immunity Mind Control Immunity
Ability: Killing Momentum Type: Passive
Subtype: Stat Modifier, Mystical City Upgrade
Slaughter Pits When this unit kills a enemy unit, it regains 1 Action Point and 6 Movement.
  • Only works once per combat round.
Ability: Mercenary Strength: N/A
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Mercenary Camp This Irregular Irregular has +1 Defense, +1 Physical Damage Melee damage and +1 Ranged Physical Damage damage
  • The damage increases apply to all damage channels.
Ability: Mount of Unlife Strength: N/A
Type: Passive Subtype: Stat Modifier
Mount of Unlife This Mounted Mounted unit has +2 Blight Damage Melee Strength and Inflict Noxious Vulnerability Inflict Noxious Vulnerability
Ability: Stylite Strength: +2 Spirit Damage
Type: Passive Subtype: Stat Modifier
Pillar of the Stylites This Pikeman Pikeman has +2 Spirit Damage Melee damage and Projectile Resistance Projectile Resistance
Ability: Supercharged Strength: N/A
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Arcane Catalyst When this unit dies in combat, it spawns 1 Lesser Elemental (Cast Spell Combat Summon) that lasts until the end of combat. Possibilities are:
  • Note:People without the Golden Realms Expansion will always get the Lesser Stalkers.
Ability: Vigorous Mount Strength: N/A
Type: Passive Subtype: Mystical City Upgrade
Stables of Vigor This Mounted Mounted unit gains Free Movement Free Movement, Fast Healing Fast Healing and High Morale(Ability) High Morale.
Ability: Water Concealment Strength: N/A
Type: Passive Subtype: Concealment
Water Concealment The unit is Invisible in Water terrain on the strategic map.