- AI
- Abilities
- Abilities/Buff
- Abilities/Classification
- Abilities/Concealment
- Abilities/Conversion
- Abilities/Damage
- Abilities/Debuff
- Abilities/Elemental Protections & Weaknesses
- Abilities/Heal
- Abilities/Inflict Effects
- Abilities/Leadership
- Abilities/Movement
- Abilities/Mystical City Upgrades
- Abilities/Other Actives
- Abilities/Other Passives
- Abilities/Reactive Effects
- Abilities/Stat Modifiers
- Abilities/Status Effects
- Abilities/Strategic
- Age Of Wonders 3 Wiki
- Age of Wonders 1 campaigns
- Age of Wonders 2 campaigns
- Age of Wonders SM campaigns
- Age of Wonders Timeline
- Air
- Alignment
- Animals
- AoW1 Cult Campaign
- AoW1 Cult Renegade Campaign
- AoW1 Keeper Renegade Campaign
- AoW1 Keepers Campaign
- Arcane Item Forge
- Arch Druid
- Archons
- Athla
- Avatar
- Buildings
- Burn the Shadow
- Calculations
- Campaign Leaders
- Cheats
- Cities
- Classes
- Combat
- Cosmic Events
- Council of Origins
- Creation
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- Draconians
- Dragons
- Dreadnought
- Dwarves
- Dwellings
- Earth
- Editing Help
- Editor
- Elementals
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- Empire Quests
- Ending the Old Ways
- Eternal Lords
- Expander
- Explorer
- Faith Reborn
- Fey
- Fire
- Frostlings
- Frostlings/Announcement
- Fury of the Ancients
- Giants
- Goblin Necromancer
- Goblin Warlord
- Goblins
- Golden Realms
- Grey Guard
- Grey Guard/Announcement
- Halflings
- Haunted Nirvenkiln
- Heroes
- High Elves
- Humans
- Image Templates
- Index:Abilities
- Index:Empire Upgrades
- Index:Spells
- Index:Units
- Isabella van Heldon
- Items
- Items/Accessories
- Items/Head Gear
- Items/Leg Gear
- Items/Mounts
- Items/Shields & Quivers
- Items/Torso Gear
- Items/Use Items
- Items/Weapons
- Keeper of the Peace
- Keeper of the Peace/Announcement
- Last Chance
- Leader
- List of Mods
- List of Resource IDs
- List of Structures
- Lizardmen
- Machinations
- Machines
- Manual of Style
- Matters of Duty
- Merfolk
- Minor Races
- Miscellaneous Spells
- Missing Races
- Monsters
- Movement
- Mystical City Upgrades
- Naga
- Necromancer
- Necromancer/Announcement
- News
- Northern Rebellion
- Orcs
- Partisan
- Pre-Made Leaders
- Promised Lands
- Quests
- Race Happiness
- Races
- Racial Governance
- Random Map Generator
- Research
- Reskar Scapeshaper
- Resources
- Rogue
- Sandbox
- Scores
- Settings
- Shadowborn
- Shadowborn/Announcement
- Slaying a False God
- Sorcerer
- Specializations
- Spells
- Strategy Posts
- Sundren of House Inioch
- Syron
- Terrain
- The Commonwealth
- The Elven Court
- The Rockshoal Isles
- The Sapphire Archipelago
- Theocrat
- Tigrans
- Tigrans/Announcement
- To-Do List
- Tooltips
- Ulluses' Editor Guide
- Underground Eruption
- Unit Experience
- Units
- Upcoming Expansion and Update
- Vision Range
- Warlord
- Water
- Wild Magic
- Wild Magic (The Elven Court Campaign)